Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I do not know what to write about today. I could write about the party, with the piñata, the margaritas and the Mexican food. About the plentiful presents and the wine, champagne and liquor I received. But I have no energy for it. Instead I am going to talk about the craziness that is about to begin this Friday or Saturday in Germany. As I am sure you all know this weekend the World Cup will start and for the next month or so all the young American straight men will join for the first time the world in celebrating soccer. I had always thought that soccer was of little importance in this country, but yesterday talking to our new coach (a straight guy) he said that he might fall sick when the US plays. I was impressed and I realized that football might be picking up in the US, and that is impressive. In Mexico, as in the rest of Latin America, Asia and Europe, everything will stop, and people will be talking and thinking about football exclusively. Offices will install TV’s for people to watch the games and parties will be held to watch the games over weekends. Total madness, I remember in 1986 Mexico hosted the World Cup, and even I was interested. I collected the album with all the teams, and even cheered for both Mexico and Spain. I remember classes were cancelled (I was in the third grade) and we would watch the Mexico games at school. Of course that was the beginning and the end of my love affair with Soccer, not because I have not tried, or been forced to try. It was around this time that I joined a Soccer team in the Club Asturiano – the club my parents belong to – and I have never had any coordination so you can imagine how that went. I hated every minute of it because I was terrible at it. I was short sighted but at the time no one had figured it out, so I was the blind, gay kid trying to play. Sad, sad spectacle that was.

Well in any case, I guess the world and even I will pay attention to the cup, I want to see how both Mexico and Spain do, afraid they will not go far, but hope is eternal.

Ohhh and I have a request, I just got a gift certificate to buy books, at a known establishment in DuPont Circle, and I need suggestions, please send them via the comments.

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