Monday, October 30, 2006

Somewhat rested

The weekend as nice, busy yet not busy enough for me not to get 7 hours of sleep each day, I could write about our multiple adventures, but the Scientist wrote a good piece about a party we went to at the BGG, or the Big Gay Gym. The party was ok, I was in a terrible mood, so I made use of the extra hour on Saturday and went to bed early.

Sunday was nice, I should have studied for a project I am supposed to take next week but decided to swim, go to the gym and hung out with the Scientist and the Diplomat. Had brunch with Imelda and her ex, and was an all around nice day.

Not much to report here, I got assigned into a new project and hence I am busy, busy, busy, stressed, stressed, and stressed. It is sad, I thought that the rest of the year was going to be nice and quiet and apparently it will not be the case. I am kind of sorta hyperventilating, because I am expected to do all these things and learn a new technology in one week and then go present and exam and it is all supposed to be a cakewalk but it is not going to be. Sigh, there goes my workout schedule.

More tomorrow when I have had time to digest it all.

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