Friday, January 18, 2008

Bomb !!!

Last night I was so tired from a long day of writing SQL and waiting for some reports that needed testing, that at 6 I skipped the gym and decided to go home directly from the office. It was cold and rainy and it had snowed all day, so I figured a night of watching trasssshhyy television would do me good. I hopped on the metro and when I got to Cleveland park I called the Argentine to see if he would pick me up, he said yes, and I waited,and waited, and waited. Nothing, the minutes went by and no sign of him. I feel my phone ringing and it was him, apparently Porter was closed and there was no way for him to come get me, not that way. I told him I would walk, I mean yes it was raining and there was slosh (is that the correct spelling and word?) everywhere, but I thought ok, it will be a 10 minute walk.

For those of you who do not know Cleveland Park and Mt Pleasant, our place is at the bottom of a hill, at the top you can find the Metro and Cleveland Park proper and as you go eastward down hill and then slightly up hill, crossing Rock Creek Park, you enter Mount Pleasant.

Back to the story, so I walked down hill and start crossing the bridge that crosses the park, when I see that not only the road but the sidewalk was closed. A policeman was there, making sure no one could continue walking. There were two people there, already and they were making inquiries. The policeman told them and me, that he thought there was a bomb threat and that the entire neighborhood was being coordoned off. To which I said, hey I just called my boyfriend, and he is home, just 2 minutes that way, so are you also asking people to evacuate their houses? He had no response for this and said that he had no idea what the details were, but that he had a wife and two beautiful childrens and that he would not walk up th sidewalk for fear of his life. Hhmm, I said, and turned back, called the home, and started the climb back.

By the time I got back to Connecticut Avenue, the Argentine was at the gas station, and explained how the bomb threat was under the Porter bridge. This made me angry, because not only was the policeman not telling the full truth, but he had blocked traffic 2/3 into the bridge making the whole road block useless. If the bomb was going to go off, the first car to fall if the bridge collapsed would have been the cruiser and the silly pedestrians arguing over their right to get home.

Anyhow, it is a long story I know, but thanks to the man I got home in one piece and was able to watch Battlestar Gallactica.

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