Friday, January 04, 2008

Veeeeeery Cold

One of the changes with the new Administration in Klingle Road is that we try and walk to the metro the days I commute to the downtown office. After trying the buses, the metro is the easiest option, it is faster, more reliable – as reliable as the Red line gets though. The only problem is the metro is far away, mmmh, let’s qualify that not far, far away, it is up the hill behind the house. This means you have to walk down hill from Klingle land, cross the park and the creek no less, and then go up the hill towards Connecticut Avenue land and the Uptown.
Today I decided to walk to the metro. It was good and bad, it was good because I had not had breakfast and the climb with the cold guaranteed I deserved the bagel I am eating as I type this, but it was bad because the temperature was well cold. I mean cold, cold, there was frost on the leaves and the cars, there was wind coming towards me and not helping me and since I am short I can not wear long coats, so I was wearing a gray winter jacket, and as I walked up the hill my slacks got sooo cold I was not sure if they were there any more. From the waist down all I could feel were my legs and the chilly air, and nothing else. But even in these harsh conditions it still took me 10 minutes only, so I know I am whining, I do. Finally I made it to the station and in another 10 minutes I was in Farragut North and in another 10 I was sitting down in my cube. I did stop at Starbucks to get coffee and a bagel. Such are the hardships of my life.

PS. The other drawback of metroing from Cleveland Park is that there is not enough time to read more than 1 page, and so I do not advance in my readings, so I am forced to people watch. Wait that is not a drawback!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.