Thursday, October 05, 2006

Somewhat back to regular scheduled programming

It is weird after three weeks to sit in my desk and look over the grey paneling of my cube and see that nothing really changed. Everything is as I left it, except me that is. The last three weeks have been harrowing, and long, it feels like I was gone for ages, yet it was just a month – if you count the week I spent in San Francisco with the family.

The trip was great, we all had fun, and I told dad, yes it slipped out, before breakfast one morning but no discussion was had. It felt like a news bulletin that was not digested or analyzed, but it is out there. What I told dad you ask, well I told him I was never going to have children, mainly because I am gay. So now he knows, not sure what he is going to do with it, but something for sure. I need to post some of the pictures of the trip, but not sure how, since I need to give my family access to them and I am not sure my mom is ready to see the Chicago pictures of me in a peach dress and blond curls. So need to put them up somewhere so that they can see them and then take them down, or just send them prints of the best pictures. Not sure how I will solve the dilemma. Of course it’s a stupid dilemma o have because a friend of mine that studied her LLM with my cousin in G’town stumbled upon my yahoo pictures and asked about the camping trip, of course that is not the only folder out there, so for sure she saw the others. And if she has seen them , lord knows who else has seen them, and the chain can be built ad infinitum, though I am sure my parents are not tech savvy enough get there themselves unless someone shows them. And if that happens, well, pffff, I will face the music and dance. But this is not a post about personal privacy and what happens when one goes online, that is beyond me and once I started blogging I realized I would loose some of that privacy. On the other hand I do not believe I am interesting or important enough for people to keep tabs on me, so it is not one of my concerns.

There was an emotional hiccup, when at the end of the trip I could tell my dad wanted to say something, yet I was doing my bags, getting ready for bed and all those little details one needs to take care of when your flight leaves at 7 am the next morning, at that time we almost had a conversation about it. I could tell that there was something that he was going to tell me, but I just did not know what to say, how to bring it up. So I decided not to make it easy for him, and he never said a word. He watch me pack my bags, call a cab and then as I looked up and saw him sitting on the other bed in the room looking back at me, waiting to say something, something I am hoping a would have been “Son, we love you anyway, plus we knew already”. But nothing came out, so I picked up the book I was reading and read for 20 minutes or so. There was no point in me asking if he wanted to say something, I thought he would. He didn’t. So I read for 20 minutes and went to bed.

Anyway, besides this little emotional page out of The Remains of the Day, the trip was fantastic. I ate to much, and gained like 3 or 4 pounds, and visited all these places I did not know. I loved the De Young Museum, the collection is terrible but the new building is a work of art worth visiting even if it was empty and fell in love with Carmel by the Sea, one of those little picturesque towns where one can see the beauty of the Pacific Ocean and can smell and feel the money of the town. We did some shopping – we are Mexicans - that is what we do when we go “visit” other countries. It was a great time, and it made me realize how much I adore my family, with all its little quirks and idiosyncrasies.

See I am back, I will post about the torturous classes I took and the project I failed on tomorrow or Friday. My self confidence is shaken and felt that I needed to write about SF before I can write about the three weeks that followed. I have not seen the gym in a month, yes, one month. I am officially the size of a minky whale.


Healthy Living said...

ohmigod-"gained 3 or 4 pounds". i thoguht being a middle aged woman was tough. thanks for your blog, from a friendly middle aged female complete stranger. see

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

oh honey, hang in there. one day at a time right. I love the image of you and your dad just skirting the issue. would make a great scene in a flick, the audience writhing in discomfort.