Monday, January 15, 2007

Farewell Mr. Cowboy

This was another busy weekend, I have plenty of ideas to talk about, but I will start by the end, so that I have something to say for the rest of the week. Today is MLK, and I am at work, I feel like everyone else and their mother is at home sleeping, while I sip burned coffee and eat some fruit I bought from the deli downstairs. The life of the consultant what can I say.

Back to my tale, after 4 years swimming and 4 years of knowing the cowboy, finally he is moving to Atlanta. He has been talking about it for years, he hates winter and he always wanted to live south, finally he got a job and he is moving. In his honor, dinner, Show tunes and a Party were done. They were all great; we started with a low key dinner Friday, just 4 people at a nice restaurant. The next day Show tunes and the formal party which was a blast, there were people from all the different spheres of his life and we all got together pretty well, finally on Sunday I just went to JR’s to have one last drink and see him off to what promised to be a terrific night – remember most people are not working today, just me.

Do not get me wrong, I am not very sentimental but there is that little part of me that hates seeing people go, maybe it is because I like this city and by people saying they do not like it, indirectly it is like saying they do not like what I like, and I love when people enjoy what I like or approve off. Yes I am that controlling. But anyway, the cowboy, even if he did not swim he was one of the central parts of the swim team, our creative person if you want to give him a title of sorts. He was the person that would come up with the best ideas for Pride, and Pink Flamingo. You wanted to go do something fabulous you went to the cowboy; he usually knew how to go about it. He was fun and after a while one realized that there was more to him than jut boys and dancing.

Wow, this is beginning t sound like a eulogy, and trust me he is far from dead, so I will end this saying that I will be waiting for him to come back, because no matter what, people always come back to DC and we – the swim team and his friends – are always in need for fabulosity and merriment, and the living vicariously.

One last thing, Mr. Cowboy, if you are reading this, you better swim for us in Paris, no ifs, no buts no nothing

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