Thursday, January 11, 2007

Unhappy morning

Today coming to work took longer than expected, it is all partly my fault, and partly not. I will let you be the judge. I had to be in the office by 8 am, to go over some reports that were going to be demoed and I had to leave my place at 7 to be here on time, well a little bit earlier. So I woke up at 6, and left my place at 7:05, headed for the gas station on Connecticut Ave and Calvert, when I get there I had all kinds of trouble with the credit card thingy – the thing where one pays – and then I could not select the grade of gas I wanted. This being 7 am and it being cold I tried upgrading the fuel grade and all, but still could not get a single drop of gas into my car. So walked in, and they tell me none of the pumps were working, none, of course they did not had any announcements saying this. So I drove down to DuPont Circle and went into the BP at 18th St and S, and when I try to use my card to pay, I notice the screen is blank. I am thinking, not again, where am I going to put gas ?

I notice a little note, saying that the credit card was not working at that pump, but I was already late, so walked to the little store, and paid cash – at least I had cash, I rarely have cash to begin with - and was finally able to put gas and drive to work at 7:28 am. Can you believe it ? Only in DC would such a thing happened. It is my fault because I should have bought the gas when I left the pool last night. See I am 30 and I still do not learn.

Of course I came in 8:17 am or so, and by the time I was here, the project manager was already here and they meeting at 9, had been postponed until yesterday!!!

I guess these are the things that make my life sooo exciting, sigh.

PS. Leaving you with a pretty picture I took at the Monterey Aquarium of some pretty fishes


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

I hate being a detail queen, but... there is no gas station at Conn and Calvert!

Knitter said...

She is right, the station is at Porter and Conn.