Monday, January 29, 2007

I am blue …

Monday January 27th, 7:00 am. I am putting the ground coffee on my new French coffee press and putting water to boil, and as I turn the burner on and prepare to go hit the shower I realize that I am just feeling blue. The weird thing is there is nothing to be blue about, nothing. I had a great weekend, went to target and bought some not so necessary things, but still I got some great stuff that will help my daily life – such as a shredder. Went ice skating and had a great time. Went to Freddie’s and got hit on by a cute young thing and saw the one who gave me back my groove last year. To top it all went swimming yesterday and after a horrible practice on Saturday I managed to have one of the best practices ever on Sunday.

But still I am blue. Perhaps it’s the cold, perhaps its my mind playing games with me, or me playing games with myself and some other people. Not sure, but the only thing I know is I am blue, like the man in that awful techno song from sometime in the mid 90’s. And no matter how many comforts I have I can not feel any other way. Even the weather is nice, well at least it is sunny and I just got what any gay man dreams of, a pair of new shoes that is cute and young without being too cute or trying to be too young. Those were a find I owe to the Canuck and the Imelda who out of happenstance went into a shoe store on Sunday where I was the only one who got shoes. So what am I to do, of course the first mistake is overanalyzing – which I am all ready doing - but I have to start somewhere right?


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

it's just good old manstrating. this too will pass. hang in there. And yes you are allowed chocolate today :)

The [Cherry] Ride said...

I agree with Canuck. Don't analyze it, just ride it out because it is natural. Besides, Richard and I will be visiting shortly, so that's reason enough to get happy.

The [Cherry] Ride said...

PS - thanks for putting that annoying Blue techno song in my head.

Eternally Recovering said...

Blue days. I feel your pain Knitter! But as 'La Cherry' stated...we izzz a coming ova soon!!! : ) Can't wait to see you..