Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Change is in the air ...

This year has been very busy for me, it’s been one short term project after another and if you add to that the trying to exercise and keep a semi healthy eating lifestyle, I am just running ragged. I am exhausted yet my mind is terribly alert and there are so many things I need to get done that I can not sleep well, and have terrible nightmares. I will give you an example, last night, I dreamt that I was moving and that the movers were there and in my mad rush to get everything ready, I had packed everything, except the kitchen, my clothes and the bathroom. The movers started to get the furniture and whatever was already packed, but I woke up with this immense sense of apprehension because I as they were moving store I kept putting clothes and dishes and glasses into plastic bags so that I could finish the move. It was crazy, I literally woke up and it took me a couple of minutes to realize it was 4 am and I was in my bed and I was not moving.

Well so this had been just a sample of the type of nights I have had. To top it all I have been swimming like a brown dog for a week now, and there is a meet next weekend. This idiot even signed up for the 200 fly. Anyway, so I know what you all are thinking, poor thing she is finally melting. Well I wish I was finally melting, but its not that, The source of all my anxiety is that I have signed on to a new project, at a home improvement retailer and it is a great job, I will be able to put into practice my degrees (yes even if I do not write like I have them, I have 2) and will grow within my company, Not just that but this is the kind of resume building project that you can use to impress people at interviews for years to come. So its great, there is a catch of course, the company is located in Wilkesboro, North Carolina.


I am not moving though, I will be traveling, Monday through Thursday every week. It will be hard, there is not doubt about it. I will need to learn a new set of skills and a new version of the English language (Lord help my grammer). But the way I see it, change is good, it is not the end of the world. It will make my social life difficult, because I am going to have to pack a 3 day weekend and try to see most of my inner circle of friends. But anyway we are not the type of people that go out on a Tuesday or Wednesday anyway. I am sure I will manage. There are many compelling reasons to go, one of the most important ones is personal growth. I will need to live with myself 4 days a week. No distractions, no meetings, no coffee dates, no running around. I have carved myself a life that is so busy here that I rarely reflect, because when I reflect I get despondent and can only see the glass as half empty. This experience will change it. I hope, and even if there will be nights where coming back to a hotel room will be depressing, I will have to read or knit, watch some TV, blog a little and think a little. In short it will put me out of my comfort zone, beyond the borders where I operate so well, mostly because I know them so well that I can do all these things blindfolded and not break a lot of things. For the peep’s in DC, be prepared to see me in the weekend, and to expect little patience for people that can not plan or schedule, but also rest assured that a bigger, better person will be writing this blog.

PS. There is a Y right next to my hotel, so there will be no end to the amounts of cardio I will do and I see a lot of scarves in your future.


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

You know I support you 110% in this. I look forward to the new you!

And I want a really gay chunky chenille (sp?) one. NOT.

Anonymous said...

And I thought the Diplomat's decision to spend each week working in Edgewood, Md. was shocking! (I actually did a project in Edgewood once and thought that the 4-5 times I had to visit were a strain on my cheerfulness.)

Now you're going somewhere that I have to assume is even worse. Grrl, you've outdone Missy Diplo. Heading for the hollows! I'm not sure exactly where Wilkerson is, but you know I grew up in the neighboring state of Tennessee. Horrible place, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope N.C. is better.

Just make sure you get the frequent flyer miles. And know that your DC klatch is always here for you. Especially if you want to rag on all those Southern Republicans you'll be living with...

zero_b said...

Good luck my dahling and welcome to the Ya ya sisterhood! drink some moonshine for me, will ya?