Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Like a Virgin,

Last Monday I crossed a pair of doors I had never crossed. Call me a princess or spoiled or what not, but I had never needed to go there, there was never one around and I was always able to live without one in my life. I knew they existed and have even studied it for school and work, but just had never had a reason to go and see it. Of course the new assignment changed everything, and finally last Monday I went into a Wal-Mart store for the first time.
I had left work, and I needed tooth paste and moisturizer and some other random things, like a bottle for water and a notebook. I had seen it on my way to lunch and after paying a visit to a grocery store I and getting nothing, because I realized that having groceries at the hotel would be a waste of time and money, I went into Wal-Mart. I was surprised, I was expecting a massive store – this one was not – with many products and lots of people. This one was not particularly crowded and the shelves were not stock. It looked like a run down Target, with bad service and nothing to sell. It also looked very dumpy compared to the Targays I have been in, in DC, really dumpy, like it sells merchandise that is 5 years too old. The shock of the evening came when as I was walking past the electronics and bam, there just next to the sporting stuff, rifles and weapons in general. I probably jumped three feet, clutching my basket thinking, those had to be toys. Then thinking again, and realizing they were guns, real guns. And of course there was people at the counter and bless their hearts they prolly got a good deal in the amo they were buying but still. So I saw that and I went straight to the registry and checked out.


wonks said...

I thought you were talking about vagina!


d-town said...

oh my! it's funny to think that someone hasn't been inside a wal-mart. growing up in south carolina, it's impossible to avoid them. once i moved to cities (atlanta, then DC), wal-marts tend to fade away in favor of target or just small retailers.

yes, they sell guns and ammo there. some kmarts do, too.

Anonymous said...

poor knitter, bless your heart...