Monday, January 14, 2008

The Gay Church

A year or two ago, the Scientist (aka Gay Canuck) wrote a piece on Results, saying how at certain Halloween party, all the gays went to profess at their church, the church of the perfect bodies. Yesterday, we had a DCAC meeting and I had skipped swimming, Sundays tend to be crowded and I was just not in the mood for it, so I went to the gym after the meeting. I got on the elliptical and started my hour, and within 20 minutes the Scientist, the Imelda and the Consummate Aries all showed up. But they had swam in the morning ! So it is in honor of these amazing atheletes that I post this picture from one of the latest Diesel campaigns. I think it summarizes gay relationship with exercise almost perfectly:

Courtesy of Ohlala Magazine.


The [Cherry] Ride said...

Yeah, that pretty much summs it up. But in the Scientist's, Imelda's, etc, defense, I think it is best to get all your workout for the day done at one time and if you've built some momentum from the swim and want to keep going then well you just gotta keep going.

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

That is a great ad. Love it.