Friday, January 11, 2008

Trrrrraaashyyyy Television

So this entry comes a bit late, but what the hell I decided Friday is for honesty and full disclosure. What am I going to disclose, well my latest guilty pleasure. It is not Project Runway, it is a new TV show, that the Argentinian initiated me to, and one which has me spell bound. It is the quintessential trashy show, very soap opera-ish, geared to 15 year old girls and boys, with steamy soft porn at times and great one liners.

So no it is not a reality show. It is not my super sweet 16, nor any of those shows, it is ... Gossip Girl. Yes, the heir to Dawsons's Creek and all those other crappy shows on the CW network. I know what you are thinking, those shows are terrible, the acting is awful, the writing is lunch time quality, the story is repetitive and ohh so predictive. But still admit it, they make great TV. I sit the couch and watch spellbound. Yes they are stupid teenagers in a prep school in Manhattan, and yes they drop a grand on a purse without thinking. But the fights and the situations are soo entertaining. And admit it, who doesn't like a villainesse (is that the female term for villain?) with a name like Blair Cornelia Waldorf. She is so crazy, she makes me and the Imelda sounds like Dr. Freud. The good girl, is this pretty blonde called Serena Van Huffenstrap, or something like that and she is the poor little rich girl that falls for the middle class, pretty boy. It doesn't get more complex than that in this show and because of that, and the great scenery and crazy outfits I love it.

Besides any show that portrays High School in such a bitchy and sex manner, makes me look back on my days as UN Model Queen, wait not Queen, Empress and think that I was not such a bitch. To top it all off, i get so much pleasure from turning to the Argentinian and telling asking him if there is any Trrrraaashyyy Television on, and get a positive answer.

One problem we have, is that after watching all the old episodes during the Christmas break, we have to wait till January 28th, to watch the next one.

Note. When saying Trrrraashyyy Television, one needs to chanel Ricardo Montalban, selling Corrrrrinthian Leather back in the 80's.

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