Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year !!

This is that time, the proverbial turning of the page, starting new, and all those clichés. It is funny how even if we know that both Christmas and New Years are just two days, as normal as any other, there is some wonder this time of the year. It might be the eggnog and all the cocktails and parties, it might be that I am just too traditional (too Mexican) but to me this is a time to think back and think forward and set some goals and pick up where we left off. For most of us, this 2nd of January means going back to the same work we were at before, and kind of doing the same things we were doing the 23rd of December, so if we want any changes it is we who have to make them, because the world is not going to go change on us. Pause, and think, well it can, the possibility is there, but lets hope nothing of that sort happens.

I grew up with a Mother who made us write out twelve resolutions and then at the end of the year, in that very same notebook we would write the resolutions for the next year. Yes that is the kind of warped childhood I had, so early on, I realized I did not have the attention span or the energy for twelve and I started coming up with shorter and shorter lists of things to do. So this year I want to continue the positive and curb the negative, as much as possible. That is it; it is one simple but far reaching goal. It means, many things, as long as they are doable.

I raise my glass of water, the one right here next to me so that we all have a most positive year, full of wonder and merriment.

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