Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Rosca de Reyes

It came late, but it came. Yesterday my friend E brought a Rosca de Reyes from Mexico, and because of such a momentous gift, I decided to skip swimming, go order sushi (because sushi goes sooo well with Rosca, just kidding) and we had a small dinner and ejoyed the Rosca. It was great, the Rosca is the Mexican version of King's Cake, and it is eaten the 6th of January to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, also known as the visitation of the Magi(the 3 wise men). Traditionally the cake has one or more babies inside that represent Jesus, and whomever gets the baby has to provide Tamales the 2nd of February for Candelmass (La Candelaria in Spanish).

After almost 8 years of living in the States this was the first year I was not able to bring a Rosca myself, and I am very, very grateful to E for bringing it. It was a tiny one, so 3 people were the perfect number, in order to guarantee that there is some left over for me. The funny thing this year was that no one got the baby this year. I am guessing I will be the unlucky one as every other year, and it stayed home in the piece that I reserved, but I am not sure.

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