Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My world upside down

Things have been very quiet here lately, because work and IGLA took over my life and have had no time to blog, or even think about blogging, but slowly things are getting back to normal. Today I was going to write a book review, but stumbled upon this piece of news and I am shocked:

"The data clearly indicate that consuming a food sweetened with no-calorie saccharin can lead to greater body-weight gain and adiposity than would consuming the same food sweetened with high-calorie sugar," Purdue researchers Susan Swithers and Terry Davidson wrote in the journal, Behavioural Neuroscience, published by the American Psychological Association.

Yes, all the artificial sweeteners are not good for you, not because they give you cancer, but because they do not help with weight loss. The Argentine is happy of course, because he has been telling me this for a while and since we ran out of Splenda a week I go had been having real sugar in my coffee. Well not only is it not going to kill me, it is going to help me loose weight ??. Knitter scratches his head in disbelief. I mean to think I have been, living a lie, a lie, a total lie, from the time I was 7 or 8 when I started drinking capuccionos and started using saccharine.

Oh well the good news is I bounce back from this surprises well, and now I have decided to give up artificial sweeteners for lent.

1 comment:

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

The proposed mechansim for this is the same the fact that drinking diet soda is linked to weight gain. The lack of acutal calories in diet soda/artificial sweetners don't activate the satiety centers so you end up eating more of something else. There is prob also a social thing, those who consume lots of diet soda and/or foods with artif sweetners are more likely to eat more based on sociology (a chocolate bar with your soda? a scone with your Splenda coffee?) So you can tell the Argentine that art sweetners per se are not bad ;)