Thursday, March 13, 2008

FIRE !!!

Last night as we were soundly asleep, this was happening 5 blocks or so, up the street:

The view the morning after:

I am sure the Imelda and the Consummate Aries had to hear the sirens at 3 am. I have not talked to them yet, but still, my thoughts go to all those people living in that apartment building that are now homeless. Can you imagine, in one evening, going from having an apartment to not having anything. It must be devastating. The Post has a great story (read it here) and in it tells how the tenants had worked with the city to have the owner fix the building and put it up to code.

There are no words to express the outrage.


PennStateVR6 said...

That's why I talked you into getting renter's insurance. It really isn't an option, as most leases actually require that you be insured in case you cause damage to the building. In situations such as these, it could help you get back on your feet.

wonks said...

I actually slept through the whole thing! Maybe its the alcohol and drugs I am consuming before bedtime...