Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Socks Part Deux

Last week I started my second sock knitting class, I know, I know, you can all laugh. The Crafty one and I have decided to make socks our crusade, we think we have dominated the scarf - I am still working on one btw - but we think that socks are easier and faster to make. So far she has finished one pair, I have finished none, and we are on our second class mind you. But the theory is there to back us up, they are smaller projects and they are more interesting than a scarf, but the problem is finding the right teacher. Last time around we went to one store (said store will remain nameless, for our knitting future sake) and we just did not like the teacher, she was just one of those teachers that just can not explain, she rushes through things and we spent 3 days struggling. The solution was simple, find another place, and we did, but it took time before we both had time to do it, and so it is not until the summer that we did it. I started the class last week, and I loved the store, and the best part is the teacher is a teacher, in real life and in her knitting life, so I I think we have a winner, and just because of that I am going to regale you with the following pictures:


Cuff in Process

Finished Cuff:

The store gave me this cheapo yarn, to experiment and try it out. This is the third time I did the cuff, and I should have ribbed it, but I just wanted it done yesterday, I needed to mop and vacum. More updates later this week !!

1 comment:

Molly said...

That cuff looks GOOOOOOD!!! Well done! Imagine going to a knitting store where they don't try to nickel and dime you... or force you to pay extra for organic yarn. Ugh. I am so excited for class tonight!