Monday, July 21, 2008

There and back again !

Three miles, is a long distance to swim when you are out of shape like I am, but I did it, somehow, do not ask how, out of spite, pride and determination I managed not to give up and swim them. It took me 1 hr and 40 minutes, but I finished, and I took no shortcuts. I am very proud of myself, and more proud of everyone who donated money, because this year we raised 26,000 dollars, out of which 675 was us, yes dahling readers I was among the top 12 fundraisers this time, and I even got this lovely plate, that I am not sure what to do with, but keep it for sure.

Swim for life was the main event of the weekend. The weather was very nice, hot and humid, but with a slight breeze and the water in the river was not very bad, no jelly fish, or see needles, the current was so-so, but still a gorgeous day to swim out side. With the event over, I drove back to DC and headed home where I napped for 2 hours, I was exhausted, and then the girls from Virginia came over and we had a lovely feast cooked by the Argentine, I will not go into details, but both experiments were amazingly succesfull, I am sure he will post about them later.

Sunday was book club, and we had a good discussion, I need to sit down and update the book reviews, I have read 3 or 4 books in the last two months and want to update y'all in what we are reading.

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