Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just a Shag ... I thought I knew that

He was looking at me from the stairs at the bar, talking to his friends and holding a beer. Cute, no not cute, good looking very good looking, blue eyes, dark hair, slim body, 5’9” and a runners build. I of course did not think he was looking at me, so I continued going up and got to the second floor of Halo and continued my shenanigans with the boys. But every so often I would feel a look and would find him looking or smiling. I of course looked back and smiled. Finally we got tired of Halo and went to JR’s, as we were walking out I looked around and could not see him, he left already I thought.

Fast forward two hours later to Cobalt, somehow we had decided JR’s was not fun enough and off to the third bar of the night we went. Upstairs the dance floor was ok, we twirled and turned but the music started being repetitive and boring, so we went downstairs and talked a bit more. Slowly the gang starts to melt, people go home, and at the end its just Imelda and me. As we were leaving I looked around and see him smiling me. I do not give this a thought and tell Imelda that I need to go home, and sleep, we head for the door and again I feel the look, and just when I am in the door, Imelda tells me to go and talk to him. Why? I asked, well he has been cruising you all night he said. I question, and ponder and decide to go and see what this one wants. I turned back and went straight to where he stood, with another beer in his hand, say Hi, and start some small conversation, hi I am Pablo, I am Eric he responds. Finally he just leans in and kisses me and asks to stay the night, and I say why not? So off we went on a cab home, Imelda, the trick and me.

We get home and talk a little, guess it’s the get to know each other part, he is from Pennsylvania, 37, cute as can be, we start kissing and making out, he feels good against my skin. Get to bed, undress, and continue, we managed to get up three times through the night and continue. Of course I can detect the smell of beer on him, you know that acrid-sweet smell, reminded me of one of the first boys I dated. We wake up, talk more. He is the youngest of 5, a part time writer. He asks if I have had a long term relationship and I am honest and say, no never lasted more than 5 months. He has been with someone for 7 years, ouch I feel so unaccomplished so we make out a little more. I make coffee and take him home, then go to swim practice and carry out with the day.

When I left him home, we exchanged numbers and he even enquired if I would be available that week. I said yes and told him to call me. He did and I called back but then we never met. For a week or so, I kind of hoped to meet this guy again, if just to see him in day light and talk to him more, and hopefully kiss him a bit more. I left two messages and never heard back and a week later I realized that I had forgotten the first rule of tricking: it was just a shag, just that. I of course chose to forget, but deep down I knew it.


wonks said...

Darn, I was hoping to read about his throbbing manhood and your bursting bosom. Oh well, will have to wait till I get home to read soft porn...

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

Great post, well written, engaging. I feel like a teacher, but I like to give positive feedback (once a decade or so...) It is tough when you have different views of the same event. No doubt there are men out there who you tricked with who hoped for more...

Anonymous said...

yeah, i agree with the canuck. It's very well done despite the difficulty to express this kind of experience and make us feel it too.

Healthy Living said...

i think its good too. it reminded me of so many of my own experiences. it wasn't even "just a shag". it was "a shag that promised more but never quite stepped up to the plate again". like, it seemed like there could be another date, maybe even a connection? that is the good part i think.