Monday, January 08, 2007

Positive thinking, diet and exercise

As much as I would want to write about the mountains of positive thoughts I have had this past week, I need to explain some of the details of the Year of Positive Thinking, and they are simple really, positive thinking alone doesn’t help, we still have to do the hard work. If we want to become positive human beings we have to do the reading, exercising, dieting and pruning necessary, the mind alone is not all the powerful. It is because of this that today I go back to swimming and the gym and semblance of a routine of sorts. I know this sounds regimented and not flexible, but quite the contrary, it is about basically making sure I swim 4 times per week ad hit the gym 3, in which ever order they happen it does not matter, but they need to happen.

As my mother put it, during breakfast at the airport in Mexico City, I managed to put on 4 pounds in 2 weeks, of course I had not time to exercise – I walked a lot, and I tried not to over eat, but hey it was Christmas and New Year’s – and I was on vacation, and while on vacation one is allowed to eat, because eating is a pleasure.

Then there are the other things that I want to work on is my reading, I used to be a great reader and now I am not, so I at the very least have to read every book we read at the book club, and try and squeeze some other books, I brought 3 from Mexico, I do not want to forget my Spanish. I think that I have put on too much emphasis on the physical and not enough on the intellectual. It is a result of being gay, and being around gay people, we notice the physical because we are youth centered, and there is nothing wrong with being fit and thin, but if you are fit and trim but can only speak about your workout routine and what you can and can not eat, you are not really interesting to me, and above all we all need to become interesting to ourselves, then we will become interesting to others and we can connect.

Ok, I know, do not call Oprah on me yet, I am not yet ready to give advice to anyone, but this is my plan for the year, those are my two simple goals, read and exercise. I am aware that I will not be able to keep both up constantly, work ad life do happen, and usually when you have least planned for them. But at the very least it gives me a sense of the structure I am trying to build this year. Sorry Minky and Beluga, we need t say goodbye and part ways, it was a great ride, or … er swim I guess.

Let’s all keep it up and we will have a great year.

Maybe tomorrow I can post my knitting goals, and then my plans for world domination.

1 comment:

Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

I think reading, exercising and an overarching goal of postive thinking are excellent. And yes, we wave goodbye to our alter egos and welcome in new ones. All I know is that they are smiling :)