Monday, January 22, 2007

Snow and the Labyrinth

DC was covered in snow last night, well not covered, but we had some snow, which in this city translates to the city closes down, no one works and the stores run out of water, milk and toilet paper – because of course during snowstorms the need for toilet paper increases exponentially for some reason that evades natural logic or laws.

I am home, working on some documentation and will actually have to go to a meeting in resting at 2, which means I do have to drive, no I am not happy about this turn of events but what can I do, I am going to meet the VP of Services of my customer.

The weekend as uneventful, saw Pan’s Labyrinth and loved it, it was a great movie. I know the Gay Canuck hated it, I liked it a lot. I understood all the violence and liked how he brought back fantasy and story telling as it was in the old days when stories were not sanitized by Disney. If you have not seen the movie, what you need to know is that it is a parable about how good actions might not win at the end of day but that by some karmic connection they are rewarded. Also it is a story of how fantasy can help us cope with the direst of circumstances, but that fantasy alone is not enough and that sometimes all the best intentions in the world will still not win the battle at the end of the day. Finally it is a beautifully crafted movie, that shows us a war where 1 million people died, and how tit broke down the social fabric that made a nation. I can talk about all this in the first person because my 4 grandparents fought and lost that Spanish Civil War and as a result I was born in Mexico City under circumstances that would have never happened in Spain. If you like fantasy, and have a good stomach - I do not, but I still went - go see this movie, you can always close your eyes when the blood starts to flow.

In knitting news I started what promised to be a pretty, pretty red scarf last night.


Gay Canuck in the Capital said...

I wouldn't say I hated it. I would say it was misrepresented as an 'adult fairy tale' when in fact 75% of it was about the violence of the Spanish civil war and how it impacted people's lives. I felt that the violence was gratitious and did not add to my understanding of why the little girl used fantasy as a way to emotionally escape. I disliked it :)

Eternally Recovering said...

I agree with the misrepresentation of the 'fairy tale'.

However days after I was still thinking about snippets. A beautifully shot film!