Monday, July 30, 2007

Notes on a Monday

Its 4:40 am and DC is hot and humid, it’s horrible. I can only begin to think how bad it is going to be later in the day.

I walk into the airport and see people, lots of people, sleeping on the ground wrapped in blue blankets. The storm probably stranded people. Five minutes after I got my boarding pass and walk to the security line, I see 500 people ahead of me. They all looked like refugees of some catastrophe or other. Only the business travelers (me included) were not wearing summer clothes, nor were we wearing the blue blankets as ponchos or “wraps”. The security line was so bad, where is the TSA when you need them that I got to my gate a minute before they stated boarding. Let’s just say I was starving all the way till the office.

In true DC fashion, John McCain was waiting next to me in the security line. Sans entourage, or luggage. He is much smaller than I thought, not that I can point fingers but …

Finished reading the book for book club, and I am still deciding whether I liked the book or not. Some of the themes it explored were very interesting, but it seemed to lack cohesiveness. For those that have read it, what do u think of “The Crying of Lot 49”?

Trying to decide on a good book to choose for the Month of October for book club , anyone out there has read anything worth reading and discussing ? Preferably shorter, ie no more than 300 pages. Let me know, cuz I am running out of ideas.

So far that has been my Monday

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