Wednesday, August 08, 2007

104 degrees under the Sun

I know the heat wave is everywhere, and I feel for the people in DC, but here it is indeed 104 degrees today. It is crazy; I guess we call this phenomenon summer. Last night I drove to the hotel and had no energy, so went toe the puny little gym in the first floor and ran for 40 minutes, then went for dinner. But I had no energy for anything else. Also for the first time I used the AC in the room, and I stay at one of the most air-conditioned hotels I have ever stayed !!

How are y’all coping with the heat ?

1 comment:

Healthy Living said...

i am coping very badly, if at all. i am cranky, and also have a headache. i have no energy for outdoor activities. i am skimping on the gym. i am drinking beer. in other words, the heat is turning me into "homer simpson with pms".