Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just had to get socks

This is my second week back in DC, and I been struggling to get back into my routine, of cardio, and dinner, and some more cardio and work, etc, etc. If I only had a better metabolism, sigh, no I am not having a fat day, what I have been having is a couple of incompetent days. Let me explain, last Friday I packed both my bags, with work stuff and gym stuff, so that I would leave work and drive straight to the gym, work out and then go meet the Argentine. As planned I leave the office, call my Mom on the way to the gym and then after fighting traffic (the DC government is redoing the sidewalks in Rock Creek Parkway, they have been working on it for months now, causing traffic backups everyday, this is neither here nor there, I know) I get to Dupont, park the car and go into results to realize I had forgotten my sneakers. Yep, so I thought I will see if they sell them, and they do, but they were $89, and do I really want to fork out that much money, when they sneakers where home. No I did not think so. I went to the Argentine’s and read.

Yesterday – Monday – I left work and get to the gym, there was no swim practice, so I did spinning, and as I am changing I realize I have forgotten socks. Well I have many gym socks, but a bunch of them are old, and need replacing, so I sighed, walked to the reception and checked their socks, they had a 3 pairs for $11, and seeing how it was 5:55 and class was going to start at 6:15, I made my purchase and got over myself. Today I made sure I had packed everything. I even checked twice.

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